Keeping it all in the family.
The parent company of a family of ten companies, much of Wright Service Corp.’s work serves the utility vegetation management industry. Our relationship with this employee-owned company started in 2007 when they asked us to brand the merger of their tree care company, Wright Tree Care, with our then client, Heard Gardens, a landscaping company and garden center. The two company cultures and client expectations were so very different—we likened it to marrying a cowboy and a princess—that it required more than a new logo, it required a new way of thinking inside and out. We established and rolled out the new brand, and formed a partnership that has expanded to all the companies in the family.

The Wright Perspective
Twice a year, Wright produces a 40+ page publication that goes out to all the companies’ employees and clients. It’s a major undertaking, but also a fabulous tool to foster connection across an employee-owned company that grows larger every year. Each company has a customized section that reflects their own branding, and the last few pages are always dedicated to ‘Sprouts and Shouts’, where employees send in wedding photos, baby announcements, rec team photos, and community involvement news.
Wright Service Corp. Web Site
Wright is a company that’s proud to be employee owned with family roots. Each company in the family is represented front and center in a slider on the home page, followed by a brief history and note from the Chairman and CEO. Having worked with outside developers before on other web sites, the Wright marketing team chose to work through the design process with us to develop a design that both followed their brand and allowed for their the functionality needs, before implementing the site through their usual developer.

Wright Outdoor Solutions
With an extensive service line of outdoor, tree and landscape services, Wright Outdoor Solutions is unique in that it’s the only consumer-facing business in the Wright family of companies. We work with Wright Outdoor to help their brand stand out among the competition across all platforms, from direct mail, to print and digital advertising, to signage.
Sustainable Environmental Consultants
When SEC was added to the family of companies, we were charged with updating their existing logo to fit within the family, and later to integrate a key brand, EcoPractices into their brand mark. Shown here are colorful stationery and an example from a series of simple promotional postcards introducing a new member of the team.

CNUC was ready for a brand update that moved them into a more technological and progressive playing field while still representing their boots-on-the-ground approachable side. We kept the logo we had designed for them nearly a decade ago, updated the color palette to a bold and modern gray and yellow, and developed a people-focused brand look that feels both progressive and approachable.