From brand management to show promotion and fundraising, we’ve worked with this Des Moines institution since 2008.
We always have at least one non-profit organization on our roster, and the Des Moines Community Playhouse has been one of our favorites for nearly a decade. Our work with the organization has included all manner of brand management, show advertising and promotion, plus we serve as a key advisor on the marketing committee. The next big project on the horizon is the 100 year anniversary celebration, and helping guide the brand vision as they move to new institutional leadership.

Logo Development
It all started with our award winning redesign of the Des Moines Playhouse logo, featuring a dramatic red curtain. Since the initial rebrand launch, we’ve evolved the logo to include a tagline and the word “Community”, and again for the 100th Anniversary.

Logos for Standing Ovations
Each season, we also design logos for the Mainstage and Kate Goldman Children’s Theatre performances. Collaborating with the Playhouse artistic directors to incorporate their vision for each production, we create stand alone logos and companion elements that work across a wide variety of promotional formats. Shown here is one of our recent favorites.

We’re able to help the Playhouse do more with less. A calendar format promotes shows, classes and events to all audiences with one mailing. Templates for direct mail, posters, email, and outdoor keep the brand consistent and recognizable. To keep a 6 month bus advertising buy budget friendly and fresh, we developed a template with clever messaging to entertain, while just a portion of the ad changes out for the show currently on stage. Using our in-depth knowledge of the Playhouse and their patrons, we’ve also produced Google and Facebook campaigns with click-thru rates as high as three to four times the industry average!